August 11, 2005

The first VR Panorama of a "Requiem" location is up at our Deviant Art gallery. If you have Quicktime instlled on your computer you can view it and navigate through one of the settings for an upcoming comic. More of these will be coming as well as Video fly throughs of key locations. Also...keep watch on this spot for big news about our upcoming site relocation.

Piece out...newest chapter begins on Saturday the 13th of August.

August 7, 2005

New URL for us

The old Keenspace one will still work for quite a while yet, but I figured I would get a jump on the change here.

Cast page is can now click on each characters portrait and be taken to their first appearance in the comic. In addition we have more stuff up over at Deviant Art as well.


July 26, 2005

6 new wallpapers up at Deviant Art. All of them outtakes from the comic. Many of them have never been seen anywhere before.

Scope them here:

There will be a lot more of these coming in the future so stay tuned :)

July 16, 2005

Playing around with the style of the comic a little bit. Expanding things out a little as it were.

Hope you all like it :)

June 29,2005

I have about 85% of the map for where Requiem takes places completed

Check it out HERE

June 26, 2005

New Tunnelrunners in the archive...the most recent one will show up on the 27th over at

And a new Pryce. That's right. I finally got another issue of Pryce up for you all. There should be a few more getting done over the holiday I hope as well ;)


June 14, 2005

A 12 hour day of work, with no chance for a screaming migraine on top of it all.

I still got comics done for you all though ;)

At any rate the brand new edition of Tunnelrunners is up HERE or HERE for your perusal. Next weeks will appear on schedule. "Renderosity" will always end up with "T" first. It's only fair considering that the strip was designed with them in mind in the first place. Later on, you can always catch up with the back issues here on the "Requiem" main site. Just click on the Archives section and you should all be able to find it easy enough.

In other news over the last few months I have become hooked on on a webcomic called "Lord Ravage the Drama" Photomanipulation, sprites, and a very cool kind of humor that I have found myself getting hooked on. In addition, C.D.I. aka Cyber Dark Infection, a gothic/supernatural/cyberpunk graphic novel has recently started up here as well that from what I have seen definitely has potential to be very interesting.

So in other words, check them both could very well end up hooked.

Also I'd like to thank R.K. Milholland for his new comic "Midnight Macabre" Mr. Milholland managed to bring back some very fond memories of late nights and weekend afternoons watching the "Son of Svengoolie when I was young on WFLD out of Chicago...check out the strip, it's another shot out of the park.


June 10, 2005

On the road right now in Sandy, Utah.

Comics have been covered, and SLC is an interesting region to say the least. I have been making trips up into the Wasatch region around the town of Snowbird, getting ideas, and using my camera eyes. Just thought I'd say thanks to the people who made our 1 year anniversary very cool indeed.

Special shouts go out to Colin at "Squatters" in Salt Lake City who ran into "Requiem" in it's earliest days and has been following it ever since...and to Fred Krohn whose letter made my day. Also thanks to Clay for keeping me fed as well.


June 1, 2005

Requiem turns 1 year old on the 7th of June.

For the occassion I do have a few special things planned. #1 There will be three new pages up. I am revising and replacing the introductory comic in favor of these three that seem to do a better job of setting up the whole sordid tale. #2 The 7th also marks a chapter end.

Oh and did I mention that the "Tunnelrunners" has a new edition up at Renderosity? One of these days I am gonna have to put together a seperate page for all of the Tunnelrunners stuff in one location.

Anyway, I am bored to tears in Columbus, Ohio right now, roadtrip cartooning again. Next week it will be Salt Lake City, Utah.



May 15, 2005

"Requiem" resumes Monday the 16th of May. And a new issue of "Tunnelrunners" will be up sometime tomorrow on Renderosity as part of the weekly comic strip.

Oh and links are finally updated.

May 13, 2005

Due to personal matters and an upcoming business trip to the Salt Lake City area..."Requiem" is taking Friday, Saturday and Sunday off. The plan is to build up a backlog to ensure that any possible out of town days are covered. In addition: site maintenance, "Pryce", and "Tunnelrunners"(down towards the bottom of the page) need to be worked on as well. And there will be new software to test out for your viewing pleasure.

Plus I need the bloody sleep ;) Or lack thereof as the case may be ;) At any rate I will be rejoining you all on Monday with the resolution to the a battle in River Crossing, What happened to a mercenary, and how far back do things in this war really go?


May 4, 2005

God damn, it's been awhile since I knocked the dust off this thing, huh?

At any rate...While comics have continued, my typically rambling commentary had to be cut down a tweak due to spending two weeks in Toronto on business. I got to tell you that from what I saw of the city and it's people I fell in love with it. I spent a lot of my time on the Don Valley Parkway and Yonge Street in Toronto proper scouting out places and locations for use in the strip. Some of them you have already seen (the section of comic with Quinlan and Targeter riding down the highway is based off a section of the Don Valley Parkway.) And there is going to be some urban sections that will be appearing that will be based directly on the Toronto metropolitan area.

One thing I have to mention though is Fionn MacCool's. Fionn MacCool's is one of the best Irish Pubs that I have been in and has an excellent, courteous staff...and awesome food. Fionn's very probably saved my sanity during some trying situations during the business aspects of my trip, and they were very helpful in providing me some info on Toronto geography that ended up being directly responsible for more than a few comics. (I even wrote the dialog for a few of them on my PDA while I was at the bar at Fionn's ;) )

At any rate...if you are in Toronto: GO THERE AND SPEND ALL YOUR MONEY!!!!

In other news, there are some more comics that are going to be added to the links page in the next couple of days (I'm talking to Corgan and Cortland in particular ;) ) I am a big fan of both of these strips...and they should have been linked long ago. That will be remedied, I promise.

At any rate, nicotine, chocolate milk and bed are calling me...Night All..

April 15, 2005

"Tunnelrunners" will be making it's debut as part of the weekly comic strip at "Renderosity" starting this Monday, April 18. For now I've decided to let "Tunnelrunners" be a Renderosity exclusive...So if you want to see another aspect of the Requiem universe you can find the link to the comic strip on the front page of Renderosity Once I figure out how the direct link is going to work for the comic page there I will be putting up a direct link to it..

For now though, the new comic pages are front page news at Renderosity...and the link to the current run of comics is here

April 13, 2005

A brand new chapter opens up in "Requiem" today...Oh, and special news as well....Another piece of the "Requiem" universe should be starting up at Renderosity for the weekly comic strip this Monday. There will be more details here in the next day or so. But "Tunnelrunners" which deals with Urban Exploration in the City of Erech will be firing up hopefully then. Linkage will come.

'Night All.

March 28, 2005

Index and Cast page have just been updated...just in time for new people to be introduced tomorrow ;)

March 27, 2005

Sorry for the missed updates...but all of Keenspace was dead for a little while. Things have been fixed though and there are new comics up :)

Hey, at least pretend to care okay? ;)

Oh, and Pryce 6 is finally up as well :)

March 23, 2005

I guess it is time to dust this thing off again, huh?

At any rate, Poser 6 has been released. In a few short days, it will hopefully arrive on my doorstep and be put to immediate usage. From what I have seen so far, it has a lot of things in it that are going to make for a much improved comic (graphically, the writing is beyond any earthly help ;) The idea is to maintain the buffer for a little while to give me achance to go through P6 and get it down. More than likely there is gonna be some fan art for some people involved in the test stages. I'm thinking of a few maybe a Milo (from Metanoia) and I have an idea for a Mac parody ad for a webcomic I read frequently. Links and the index will be updated, hopefully over the holiday weekend...I actually have Good Friday off remarkably enough, so it will give me time to get some work done.

As for the next four days worth of comics? Yes, I ripped off the first Matrix movie for some layout ideas there is no "Woman in the Red Dress" to feast your eyes on....I don't do fan service, at least not much anyway ;) As for the whats coming after this? A few more gaps in perspective get filled up, specifically, one southlands ranching family named "Greylock" (Yes, RH...I'm finally getting off my ass and filling in the blanks on this one.) and the details of a bargain that sets the tone for the war ahead.

March 13, 2005

Comics are uploaded to the server and we have a new edition of Pryce for everyone to scope out.

March 7, 2005

Comics and computers are back online...unfortunately there was a huge backlog on the Keenservers that kept us from updating on time.


March 6, 2005

First off: Like a moron I should have mentioned this before hand, but Keenspace just put together a big sampler comic book that is a free download that is available for printing for anybody who wants one. It show cases a whole bunch of great comics and we have a few pages in it as well....

Check it out here for the web sized version (the preview)

and check out this thread for information on getting the printable spread version.

Due to a hard drive upgrade...I will be a bit incommunicado webside for a day or so....just to let you all know: Comics have been uploaded to the Keen Servers to cover everything through Wednesday of next week so 'Requiem" will continue on schedule with it's daily update schedule. But yeah, if all goes well..I should be running a 100gb Seagate Momentus, 5400rpm, 8 meg buffer drive in the desktop replacemtn I use to do each comic. I am definitely looking forward to it. Especially since I have been doing these with a 60gb 4200rpm drive before hand. The performance jump is going to be tangible.

March 3, 2005

New comics for you today...and Pryce #3 and #4 should be showing up for you soon webside.

March 2, 2005

We're back on schedule after a minor server freakout shut us down for a day. Comics are uploaded for tomorrow, and we should have two more parts of "Pryce" ready for you by tomorrow.

February 26, 2005.

New comics...and a new issue of "Pryce" as well. Enjoy.

February 24, 2005

Today's comic (2-24-05) marks the beginning of a new venture into the "Requiem" universe. The new venture? A comic called "Pryce". "Pryce" is kind of a gothic-noir story that is set in the same world as "Requiem" and runs concurrently with the rest of the series. It takes places during a war between a number of criminal syndicates and involves a whole hell of a lot of people. Think Dashiell Hammet's "Red Harvest" to get an idea of what I'm looking at.

The characters in "Pryce" are largely new, though you may see a few people from the main body of "Requiem" mentioned now and anon (after all it is the same world).

As for when it is gonna update? I am hoping for 3 times a week, though in the early stages I'll be happy with once a week personally. But it will update though...thats a guarantee. So follow the links on the main page and check it out.

Hopefully you all won't be too dissappointed.


February 17, 2005

The Archive (aka index page) and The Cast page is now up to date.

February 15, 2005

Some explanations are in order.

Many of you have probably noticed that the appearance of one of the main characters has changed a bit over the last week or so. The original version of Ian was designed when I didn't know shit about how to use Poser, and I screwed up and made him with one of the default templates. This worked for awhile, but the big problem is that the default body template came preclothed, with no way to change the type of clothing he was wearing.The rediscovery of archive files that I thought had been destroyed in a system crash meant some things could be finally taken care of. This has allowed me to do a much better job of building the character, and actually allowing this version of him to be able to wear different clothes. So any way thats the deal, the version of Ian you are now seeing is the way he should have been all along.

Anyway, there you have it :)

February 12, 2005

I think comics are gonna be a bit larger than they have been in the past...I'm kinda taking the opportunity to stretch out a bit. So expect things to be a bit expanded.

Oh, and the soundtrack for the strip right now is Rob Dougans "Furious Angels" album and a whole ton of Sisters of Mercy.

No prisoners :)

February 8, 2005

Sorry for the update delay today, there were some server problems on our end that made things a little flakey. A number of other Keenspace comics have been having this problem. While a number of them have been resolved make sure you check in with your favorites throughout the day. They could be up and updated at any time.

February 2, 2005

The great archive polish continues to the sound of Adrian Belew's "Big Electric Cat" Very fitting for computer work :) Anyway, soon we will be returning to the Iyesta Observatory and we'll find out what happened to some of our other characters now that they are home.

Oh, things have been cleaned up all the way up to August 18, 2004....just in time for me to start dealing with bug, grumpy, sentient bugs. Ciao!

January 29, 2005

Just got things back up and running today after a sizable power outage last night that killed the laptop I do these comics on. So under the circumstances Saturdays update will not be on schedule. Sunday at the normal time, however we will resume our regularly scheduled insanity.

January 27, 2005

The official beginning to Part 5.

Allow me to introduce you to two new characters: Julia Wells, and Melinda Burns. You will be seeing quite a bit of them throughout the course of Requiem. Julia has been mentioned before back during one of the very first comics. You can read that one right here

Todays comic makes me feel a little bit on the philosophical though, for me it kind of touches on a lot of events that have happened over the last few years...and that sometimes sorrow is woefully inadequate to truly express how you feel. At any rate, read and enjoy...

January 25, 2005

Another reedit and repolish of the archives. Everything is now cleaned up until the very end of July. Oh, and of usual...we have comics for you. On the comics front I have been rereading what I consider to be a couple of the funniest comics I have ever read. Check out the "Goats" issues dealing with Wil Wheaton. HERE These couple of comics never fail to crack me up. And BTW...get yourselves over to WWdN and start reading K? The guy is a hell of a cool dude, and a hell of a good writer. His book "Just a Geek" kicks. Now, SCOOT!!!

Oh and did I mention the formal index has been updated to today as well? Did now ;)

January 23, 2005

Ah, blue water...Isn't it purty ;)

At any rate we have a major change in the works right now. Currently, I am going through the archives for this comic and doing post processing work and such I never did back during the early stages and doing some much needed editing as well?

Whats that mean for you? Simple, Requiem is going to look quite a bit better and be a lot easier to follow dialog-wise, especially during the early days of the strip. Occasionally you may see a weird looking comic (aka hyper stretched) That is simply because Keenspace hasn't had a chance to regenerate the html page for that particular comic yet.

Currently we are revamped up to the 16 of July, 2004. Hopefully we will be celebrating our 200th comic with a completely cleaned up archive as well.



January 21, 2005

The Daressa chapter is finally concluding. I gotta admit that I was getting sick of the color of burning cities ;) At any rate the archive page is being updated and we have more comics for you as well.

Enjoy :)

January 9, 2005

Still here, still doing comics...;)

Oh and the binary code on the new comic does in fact mean something ;)

December 22, 2004

One illness over, another started.

But we have comics again.....

December 21, 2004

I'm sick

Well many people know that anyway...however due to a case of the flu "Requiem" is going to be taking the day off. Frankly, I feel to rotten to be creative.

December 16, 2004

Sorry for the slightly late update this early morning...I screwed up and uploaded the comic to the wrong server.



December 11, 2004

Thank you all for the patience with my involuntary day off...

Today "Requiem" returns....


December 9, 2004

Today I am doing something totally new.

Requiem is taking a day off. Initially this was not planned, However due to being exhausted from returning from my business trip, finals, and having to reconstruct a key file that got corrupted which I needed to do the next comic...I have no choice but to take a day break. Requiem will be back with a Saturday update and things will be back to normal then.



December 8, 2004

I just got done updating the archive listings for the comic today ...While several new characters have been introduced and such, the cast page update is gonna have to wait until I am back from my business trip. I promise you all it will be up this weekend sometime.

Oh and today's music is Chris Isaak "Nothing's Changed" You can find it off the 1987 album "Heart Shaped World".

The Battle of Daressa continues...


December 4, 2004

In addition to a new comic for you all I have a piece of news for you as well.

Metanoia comes back off of hiatus this Sunday. Metanoia has been one of my favorite comics for a good while now and you really owe it to yourselves to check it out. And hey...what better time then when it is coming off a break, hmm?



November 27, 2004

The Requiem Archive Page is now complete. They will be officially up for public consumption when the current Keenspace server freak out is resolved. Also today's commentary on demons and sheddim comes from an essay by Phil Edmonds entitled SATAN, DEMONS AND THE DEVIL November 2000 It is an interesting bit of theological reading and is located at

The quote that Arthur mentions from his grandfather is slightly adapted from Deuteronomy 32 v 17.


November 26, 2004

Finally updated the links page for the site and took care of a few HTML errors on some of the back pages of the site as well. Soon I am going to be putting together an archive page so that we can start tracking this comic by characters and locations and such.

There is so much going on here that it is beginning to become a necessity.

November 21, 2004

Thanks to the kindness of Megan one of the creators of "End World" There is now an official forum for "Requiem"

Check us out "HERE"


November 14, 2004

A note on Music...

The music that was playing in the background of Comics 93 and 94 was by the inestimable Chris Rea. "The Road to Hell" dates back to the late eighties and was part of an excellent semi concept album of the same name. Today's music is a cover of the old Psychedelic Furs tune. The version that is playing in the background is a live cover that was done by the musical group Live about 6 years back. One of the best covers I have heard...and it is a touch darker than the PF version ....Check them both out if you have the opportunity.

October 27, 2004

A note on a comic.

I have recently gotten hooked on a comic called "Stubble" . Stubble is in part a story about growing up, college, the changes of life with a dash of the supernatural and superhero myth thrown in. I have been finding myself reading and rereading the archives of this one a hell of a lot lately. At any rate I encourage everyone who reads this to check out this comic. This one has made me do something I don't often do in the web comic world: Care about the characters.

A note on objects.

Their are a couple different models that have appeared that need to be mentioned.

The Demonoid (AKA The enemies that have just begun to appear) are the creation of Fatale. Scope out her Renderosity gallery.

The Demonoids were free for use and I ran into them on the way to something else. I took one look at them and realized the place they were meant to play in this little drama. Check her stuff out...and buy some of her artwork if you are able. Firearms are by Questor, one of the fine modelers over at DAZ productions.

Thank You...Good night.

October 24, 2004

A megaupdate to the cast page was completed early this morning and should be up for your viewing pleasure when everybody begins checking in.


October 17, 2004

A few notes:

There is a song playing in the background of the next few comics... For the record the tune is called "Day After Day"(1974, Peter Ham), and is by a group known as "Badfinger". I kept on hearing this song in my head as I sketched out this scene and I encourage you to check out the song. It is one of my all time favorites. And yes I know it is a bit jarring in relation to what is going on in the scene, but it just seemed to set the right mood of eeriness for the surroundings.

October 14, 2004

The Battle of Daressa has begun.... Everybody gather around and watch your friendly web cartoonist get himself in drastically over his head. ;)

October 7, 2004

I am back from my business trip to Massachusetts, and glad to be home. I would also like to announce that the newest chapter in the comic starts on the 8th of October. Check it out tomorrow if you are in the mood...

I am still trying to figure out how I want to do this...I guess in the end we will find out together won't we.

September 28,2004

The site revamp is officially done except for one very minor typo. Right now I am busting out comics so that nothing gets missed while I am out of town next week. If I have figured everything correctly we will not miss a single day during my out of town excursion. At any rate things are on schedule.


September 19, 2004

A change of appearance is in order for the site. There are a few tweaks that have to be done...however they must wait for Keenspace to update.

September 14, 2004

We just got done doing a guest comic for Tank'd over at Check it out and thanks for the opportunity to have a little fun with a comic. I love the comic I do...but it can get a little too serious at times.

September 11, 2004

Okay...I have got things set up now so that the next new comic will show up on the 12th...hopefully that will give us some room so that when Auto-KEEN gets fixed we will be back in business with stuff.

September 11, 2004

The comic is being delayed because of server issues....It is in the que and ready to go, it just has to get out into the public eye ;)

September 10, 2004

We go daily tomorrow. I think the change will benefit us in the long run. Especially with being able to streamline the process a bit.

But yeah....the end of the world 7 days a week, I can't wait :).

September 5, 2004

I would like to give special thanks to "The Specialists" for inspiring the newscast comics. They seem to fill a necessary place where it comes to filling in needed background information about the world and such. Expect to see more of them in the future. Check out the strip in the meantime...It's become one of my personal favorites.

September 3, 2004

The cast page has been brought up to date.

August 28, 2004

We've been coppered!!!!

Check out the origin of the cameo at Insanity for the Poor


August 22, 2004

If you happen to have a moment...feel free to check out the just started Live Journal community for the discussion of the comic.

The Requiem Community


August 21, 2004

Just a little heads up for everybody who happens to read this... The end of this chapter of Requiem will be on the 28th of August. There will be a special piece of art up on the 29th (AKA the beginning of the chapter art) and Chapter 3 will officially begin on the 30th of August.

We also have a map of the continent where the action has been taking place so can find it listed in the FAQ page...or click here

Updates will continue on the every other day schedule. Even though I got to tell you the truth...I have got to figure out a way to make an every day update a reality.



August 18, 2004

We actually have a standard link page now!!!! In addition a few changes were made to the site design in order to deal with the varying sizes of comics. Hope this works.

August 9, 2004

It's no secret that a lot of web comics leave me cold. A comic has to be pretty special to get me to be a fan.

One of my favorites is one called Metanoia. It is part biblical allegory, dark fantasy, gothic crime novel and just all around damn good. Artistically it reminds me of a cross between James O'Barr and Geoff Darrow (specifically the artwork he did for "Hard Looks" and "Another Chance to Get it Right") and is visually and emotionally stunning.

All of this begs the question: Why are you still here?

Read it now....


August 8, 2004

We have comics and we have wallpaper!!! Show your support by nabbing one of our wallpapers (check the links section to find them)

Also our first piece of guest work will be up this Sunday August 8, 2004) for Insanity for the Poor.

Check it out at Insanity for the Poor

Word :)


August 6, 2004

The comic has been updated....and stuff....yeah stuff....

At any rate, tonight I will be uploading wallpaper for everyone's amusement, plus hopefully some more link banners...However things are still on the chaotic side.

August 1, 2004

Comics have been uploaded to the server at Keenspace...a Sunday and Monday update, with Wednesdays in the que as well. Enjoy and let me know what you think....Also, I am thinking of doing some wallpapers for the comic, let me know if anybody is interested.


July 31, 2004.

Finally got around to adding a place for site news on this thing.

Of course, that would actually mean I have some news for you...Okay, Requiem is going to continue on it's every other day update schedule...however there may be some occasional extra updates thrown in as plot dictates demand. Enjoy.